Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Three Days Off Means Only Four Days of Work

Whoo hoo. Where are three-day weekends when you need them? I could get used to this. I hope yours was good. Ours was. Plus, we got to play games twice. Among them were Apples to Apples, Sequence, Take The Train, and Bananagrams. And we saw the grandgirls on Friday, which is always a treat.

One time, we were playing a game when a member of our group sang the wrong lyrics to a song. That led me to remember the web site kissthisguy.com. While the lyrics in today's CoV are not listed, there are some cute ones at that site.

We reach the official 100s-all-the-time starting this week. June is traditionally our hottest month. August and September feel hotter, though, because we've had so many 100+ days by then. We should be 106+ by Thursday.

We are supposed to move to another building today. However, they have not provided boxes yet. I hope they don't move my computer before I can move the rest of my stuff. I'd feel lost without my stuff (whoa. I channeled George Carlin for a second there).

I guess I had better get the first of my four days underway. I will be back tomorrow, even though Disneyland beckons for some members of the family tomorrow.

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