Monday, June 21, 2010

Almost There

I found a media card reader that let me read the 16GB CD card holding all my photos from the recent reunion trip. So, soon, I should be able to share some shots with you. In fact, I am copying them to my work machine even as we speak. Well, even as I write.

I had a nice Father's day (thank you for asking). I got a black Wii, the card game Sets, an exercise game for the Wii, and some lovely homemade cards from the Grands. We also attended a first birthday party for a niece.

Let's get the cartoon into today's post.Just a comment on how the meaning of words has changed over the years.

My friend just got back from her Caribbean cruise. It sounds as if she had a great time, although she confesses she drank too much one day. Wow. That is something I just cannot imagine. I never drink too much. In fact, if you drink, can it be too much? Ha ha.

It seems my blogger creativity all of a sudden ran out, so I will quit while we are both ahead. My copy of photos is just now on 221 of 583, so it will take a bit longer. right now, it is copying shots from the air boat ride. That means no photos today. So let's see if we can share some photos tomorrow, OK? Until then, vaya con Dios.

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