Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life on Pause

While a vacation seems like you are experiencing life in Fast Forward because you do so much and come back exhausted, the life you return to shows you it was actually on Pause. Everything is still here. The same problems at work. The same leaky shower stall. The same traffic-laden commute. The only difference is that you have great memories to carry you through that did not exist before.

Speaking of vacation, New Orleans was fun. I will get some photos posted soon. I must give special thanks to Uncle Poo and Aunt Martha for hosting the event in Central Louisiana. Next time, though, I hope they tone down the humidity a bit. Here in AZ, I cannot remember the last time that my glasses and camera fogged up when I went outside.

Speaking of CoV, here is a non-vacation cartoon queued up from before our trip.

Speaking of family reunions, we saw cousins and aunts and uncles and brothers that we haven't seen in a while. We ate our way through New Orleans and Jena. We had all of us taking pictures of just about everything, including each other taking pictures. We celebrated Aunt Francis' 90th birthday. I am certainly glad we had this opportunity and thank Dad for making it possible. It may be that the Lord calls some of us home before we could do this again, so we chose this trip as our summer vacation.

Speaking of photos, thanks to Mark for letting Keith and I use his $8000 300mm lens. Whew, that was so fun and an opportunity I would not have had otherwise. Unfortunately, I liked it a lot. However, the price plus opportunities to actually use it mean that I will have to wait until I see Mark again to use it. Still, we did and I got some great people and flower shots with it.

OK, work calls, but I will say that those baked beans with venison were really good. It all was. So were the Cafe du Monde beignets. You should try them. That is all this 24x7 restaurant serves and yet we had to scour to find a table.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

We heard about the trip from your brother. Sounds like you guys had a great time! Thank goodness for vacation/weekend memories to carry us through the boring work week.