Monday, June 28, 2010

June is Almost Finished Busting Out All Over

Can you believe it is almost July? The year seems to be passing by so quickly, it will be Thanksgiving by August. Bella could be in college by 2012.

Something that seems to drag on forever, though, is having to read a new Clarity of Vision each day. Go ahead and get it over with now.
OK, with that behind us, let's proceed with the rest of today's blog. The Grands start swimming lessons this week. And to support that, we are going to have swimming night at the house each Thursday evening. That will be fun. I had to replace all the equipment for pool vacuuming and cleaning. Over $200. And that does not include a new pool filler thingie, which Leslie's said I can only get at Home Depot.

I though I had lost the new card game KLIK gave me for Father's Day. It was not in my game bag and I couldn't find it at the house. I had left it at Dad's last time we were there. So, we played the Monopoly cards game and Take The Train card game this weekend. We also did a bit of Wii. Then last night, I played with my Wii Pinball Classics game. They did a good job with it.

Hey, do any of y'all know anyone who has installed one of those energy management computers on their house? Here is a quote from one of them in Phoenix. "Our Energy Management Computer allows you to pay less. Instead of paying 12 cents a kilowatt-hour, we GUARANTEE you will pay 8 cents a kilowatt-hour. So your $300 utility bill will drop to $200, even though you will still be using the same amount of power that you always have. WE GUARANTEE IT OR YOUR MONEY BACK." Sounds intriguing, right?

It always seems to happen just about this time. Real life intrudes and I need to do some work, or at least act like convincingly enough to keep getting paid. Have a marvelous Monday.

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