Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Post 715

This is my 715th post in the last five years. Who'da thunk it? I am sure you believe that I could talk enough to have material. I am speaking more to the fact of actually taking the time to keep it going. I also always try to comment on every post from my Family and Friend's Blog list.

While we were on vacation, my sister, Carey, suggested today's CoV. Let's see if Obama is reading this blog.

I mentioned yesterday that it was my Monday. Well, I fooled myself and forgot about East Valley Chorale practice. After all, it was Monday. I am supposing they practiced. I will drop the director a note today apologizing. I wonder if the folks went? So, today is not Tuesday, it is Wednesday. I am reminding all of us, just in case we forgot.

Well, I have not been able to read a 16GB SD card that is holding all of my RAW images from the vacation. It also contains an XLS with all the family contacts on it. I tried two different media readers and four different computers. I guess I need to go to a camera shop or computer shop and see if we can get the data off. This is not good. I do have a JPEG of all the images, but I usually tweak the contrast a bit starting from the corresponding RAW image.

I have 15 action items from my five days off. That's like three per day. That is just wrong. I should have worn tennis shoes because I'm going to be running to get this stuff done.

Since I'm going to be busy, I will sign off for now. I will get some photos up soon. Once you see the flower shots, you will see why I need to save up for the 300mm lens. Maybe I should look at selling copies. I just need to sell 8 if I can find people who will pay $1000 each. Hey, I'll sign them. Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?


Zachary said...

That was a funny CoV, I am afraid I'm a little under-monied when it comes to $1000/ pic! Sorry.

Lindsay Ward said...

I guess I am upping your workload with my one post per day streak!