Monday, May 24, 2010

Will We Be LOST Without LOST?

We are back to a normal work-a-day life again now that LOST has ended. For me, it kind of went out with a whimper instead of a bang. However, during its run, it certainly made TV discussions a bit more complex compared to CSI-type shows where everything cleans up neatly within an hour. Or compared to House where you can change out the name of the disease and every show is the same. Sure, I watch all of those, but they don't cause family disagreements like LOST did. Hey, would any of you get the DVDs and watch the series again? Will it be like Seinfeld or The Simpsons where you think, "I will watch this for a few minutes" and then sit there for the whole episode?

Oh, I almost forgot. If you did not watch the Target commercials because you used your DVR, look them up on the web and watch them. They were funny. As an example, they showed a scene with the Smoke Monster, then showed a sale on a smoke detector.

Maybe it will end up on Retro TV.Luckily, most of us watched LOST as adults, so we should not revert quite as much as in today's cartoon.

School is almost over, so Kathie and Ali are happy. Work is not, so I am not. However, vacation is coming soon, so Kathie and I are happy. Ali is not going, so she is not.

Let's see. During our recent QCWGN (Queen Creek Walker Game Night), we played Train Game and Apples to Apples. I feel like there was a third one, but I cannot remember right now. Oh, I remember that Alison and I played Sequence while they put the girls to bed.

As always, out time together seems to run out all too soon. Still, I'm so glad we had this time together just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it comes the time we have to say "So Long." So long.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Are you ok?? No post today!