Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Just a Cartoon, Nephew

Yes, we do have a nephew working for the TSA in the Dallas area. Still, with one TSA agent saying disparaging remarks about what they see in a scan of another agent, my keen journalistic sense tells me a CoV is in order.
We had a great Mother's Day weekend. Of course, I don't know what my wife would say, but I thought it was good. No, actually, she told me the same thing. And yesterday, we spent the afternoon and evening over at KLIK's. We started with a delicious lunch and ended with the Suns winning their series over their nemesis, the San Antonio Spurs. In between, we ate some more, had some Mother's Day gifts opened, and played several games. This weekend, we played Bang!, Take the Train, Loot, and Sequence. Throughout each game, one of Lyndsay's relatives kept asking, "Do you know how to play games like Hearts or Spades?" We all booed him down.

I put up some info about Jeremiah Johnson yesterday. I found it when I was wondering where it was filmed. No, not in Colorado, but in Utah, especially near Sundance.

I think the girls are supposed to spend Friday might with us, so we have got to clean up that middle bedroom this weekend. And we have not done anything about the bathroom leak yet. I did contact our insurance agent and got a name of a company they recommend to investigate.

The pool is getting close to swimming temperature. That will be nice. I think the evening temperatures in the 60s are cooling it each night, even with daytime temps in the mid-90s. Soon, though.

OK, enough chit-chat. Let's get productive.


Zachary said...

So, who is with the TSA? I like your cartoon, although it may not be appreciated by your Holy brother.

CrazyUncle said...

Kathie's brother's son, Michael Hagle.

Z said...

Thanks for the info.