Monday, January 25, 2010

One Blog Without So Much SPAM In It

It is almost certain that neither the Cowboys not the Cardinals will make it to the Superbowl this year. I will know for certain in a couple of weeks. Anyway, I do have to decide who I want to win. No, neither really matters, but the game is more fun if you have a favorite. More importantly, though, I hope the commercials are good this year.

Thank you, Kathie, for today's CoV idea. I am not sure my mind took the concept to where you imagined, but this is what I ended up with for Monday, Jan 25, 2010.

Since I usually am here early, my manager asked me to be sure an updated agenda for a daily 8:30am meeting is always ready and published by 8am. That is OK, but what really rubs me is that now, I HAVE to be here early. It used to be my choice. What a drag.

Over in Facebook, I got berated for not taking pictures of KLIK this weekend. EXCUUUUSE ME. I forgot my camera. One week will not cause the balance of the universe to shift. It really was too bad, though, because watching Kendall try to put fruit in a bag was really funny.

I'd better go work on my daily report, so I will be back tomorrow. Lord willing and the creek don't rise.


Lindsay Ward said...

You could do the report before you leave in the evening...then you could sleep in when you wanted.

CrazyUncle said...

Yes, that would be ideal. However, I am sitting here trying to think of a topic for tomorrow, and I have not had time all day to focus on CoV. So, right now, I gots nothin'. The morning catches me fresh, and then I cogitate during my morning commute. I will consider your words of wisdom.

Craig Weeks said...

How come you never consider *my* words of wisdom?

CrazyUncle said...

Craig, How dare you tempt with with this type of open-ended, snark-worthy comment? I will not stoop to your level. Anyway, Kathie said that I responded to her question with an answer to a different question. I suppose I will not be able to respond to anyone in the future.