Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Speech Writer's Nightmare

Today's CoV came from Kathie hearing someone on the news say they were speechless, yet they kept talking. So, in my weird way, I took her comment to the next level.
The East Valley Chorale started its Spring season last night, so I was not home to upload any photos from the holidays. As I have noted before, you can jump onto Kathie's or Lyndsay's Facebook to see these alleged photos until I get some uploaded to my blog.

Hey, y'all pray for Denise, who sings in the Chorale with us. She is having some sort of eye problems which appear to be related to something in her brain. She was scheduled for tests this week, but they have been delayed. She came in last night with an eye patch, but you know me. I was not speechless. I went over and accused her of secretly wanting to be a pirate, so that was why she wore an eye patch. Arrr matey, I be wrong.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

You "be wrong"? Well, what up, Homey?