Wednesday, January 20, 2010

100% Back

As you will surmise from today's Clarity of Vision, I was less than 100% yesterday. Where am I today? As you can also surmise, using numbers like that can lead to weird statistics. I calculate you will like this. In the spirit of numbers, this is comic #206. So, if 20 of them were funny....well, you do the math.The problem with being out of the office is that the office keeps going, as do emails and phone calls. Whew. I've got a few things to work through today.

Staying home yesterday afternoon meant that I worked through my DVR backlog. So, it is empty as of right now. It also meant I missed Chorale last night. Too bad. I always enjoy practice.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

a comic only an accountant could appreciate...or an engineer I suppose