Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love Is a Many Splintered Thing

Let's start off saying R.I.P. to Uncle Frank. Dad's oldest brother passed away on Tuesday and is now together with Jesus and his wife. I have not seen him in several years, so in my mind, he is still a more robust image, but I know he has been getting weaker for years. I know he is now eternally happy and we will be reunited one day. Praise God.

Isn't it terrible how we pick on those we love, such as our kids? We know they mispronounce a word so it sounds like something else or something naughty, so we have them say it over and over. We know they are scared of something, so we get a toy of that animal or thing and tease them with it. So, where would that go in the CoV universe?
Alison and I are definitely enjoying the new season of Chuck. Do y'all watch it? And 24 starts Sunday, but I think our DVR has no openings to record it, so we may give up on it this year. And do you like Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes better? Right now, I lean toward Cake Boss.

I hope these repairs on the Jeep are the last for a long time. While I do not hate cars, they can certainly be a pain once they begin aging. Hmm, I've got some joints in the same shape. Anyway, at $3K in less than one month, a car payment doesn't look so bad. If we can wait at least another couple of years before there is more, I'll feel like they were a good investment.


Lindsay Ward said...

my parents used to chase me around with a toy mouse. Ask my mom where they would try to put it.

SRJB said...

Dear Mr Walker,
I guess I should not pick a theological debate vs sentence structure issue...but JESUS AND HIS WIFE??!!! I know what you mean, but after reading some liberal postings, this just got to me and I had to say something (besides picking on you.....)
