Thursday, November 05, 2009

You Did It, Too

Please. Doesn't every parent do some of this at some point during their child's trick-or-treating years? If not, you are missing prime candy-consuming time.
Somehow, I never got to get on the computer last night. So, once again, no photos for Isabella or Kendall. Sorry. If you came just for that, I know you are disappointed. However, I shall make no promises on when they will reappear.

The economy has now affected us in a personal way. It appears that, for maybe the first time since Bella was born, we will not have our trip to Christmas Disneyland. Our annual tradition is just a little too expensive for our salary this year. Still, compared to the every-two-years trips we made when our kids were young, this is minor. But Dis at Christmas is really nice, and the weather is pleasant. Maybe we can do it around Bella's birthday on St. Patrick's Day.

Another LOST episode down. A seed of doubt was planted that could mean the entire series is simply a delusion of one of the characters. Really? Is that all you've got? That was worked into the end of Newhart. Can you really top that? Or what about how they ended the American version of Life on Mars? Are we going there? I hope not. Maybe it will be like The Prisoner series in the 60s and this is a government secret place. Well, I don't know yet. I am ready for some of the alleged time travel to begin.

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