Friday, November 06, 2009

Admit It! It Was Sweet!

This week has been a series based on Halloween candy. Yes, it was sa-weet. Yes, you even chuckled at a few of them. Yes, you did. Admit it. Anyway, today is the final installment for this year.

Where will CoV go next week? I have an idea, but no decisions have been made.

It has been a crazy, busy week at work. The weekend cannot come soon enough. Where will the weekend go? I have an idea, but no decisions have been made. No, that is a lie. I have no idea, but I thought it would be funny to echo the same line in the following paragraph. Was it funny? No, I did not think so either.

I have been enjoying Mom's homemade cocoa mix this week. It somehow seems smoother and richer than the mix packages. Looking at the bag, I would guess I have at least one month's worth still sitting here. People notice the bag of powder on my desk and more than a few have challenged me as to what I am using. Ha ha. You are all so funny. If you are that funny, why don't you write your own comic and share it with everyone?

Well, I am burning daylight, so I'd better get going. You can check over the weekend, but I don't know if I will post or not. Yes, I will try so you can have your funny bone tickled over the weekend. Oh, the pressure to succeed.

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