Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Scmednesday

I know it is only Wednesday, but this week has gone on too long. Do you ever have one of those weeks? Nothing that I can point at. It just feels long. Well, we don't want things to go on too long, so my Obama series ends today at the Grand Canyon. Hey, there is a good Christian song called Grand Canyon. Have you ever heard it? I have it on an album by Kennedy, Kirkpatrick, Madeira and Sprague called Coming From Somewhere Else (which is my favorite song on the album). Sorry. Let's go ahead with the comic.
The parental units took us out for our anniversary last night for Mexican food. Dad is feeling enough better that he had salsa for the first time in months. A good time was had by all.

I think I told you, but did you remember that Wednesday was originally called Woden's Day? That it why it is spelled weird.

Let's just try to get this week over with, OK?

Tomorrow in CoV: Rambo returns


Caleb said...

I liked your last two comics.
Sorry that your week is too long. You might think about exchanging it for one of those weeks with five 33.6 hour days.

Paul and Kari Mooring said...

I see no Rambo