Monday, August 03, 2009

I Gots No Thoughts

I sat down this morning to create my daily post and realized I don't have any pithy comments or clever quips with which to regale you. Well, I can still give you today's Clarity of Vision.
Lunch over at the folk's yesterday. Thanks to Lyndsay and Kari for cooking. No thanks to Dad, who cooked french fries for over an hour and they still weren't good. No thanks to me, either, because I did nothing for the meal.

Lyndsay did make some desserts in anticipation of our anniversary Thursday. Homemade chocolate covered strawberries, homemade peanut butter cups, homemade anniversary cards with drawings and photos, homemade DVD. They will be out of town on the day, so they brought everything yesterday.

Dad has his final chemo Wednesday, so prayers are again requested. He will then go some months to let it finish its work before an evaluative blood test is taken. I don't know when his hair will grow back.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

No pithy comments or clever quips?!?!? Are you sick or something?
I baked one of those homemade peanut butter cups for you and just stuck it in with Kyle and Lyndsay's load. Happy anniversary.