Thursday, August 06, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Would any of you have stayed with me for 33 years? I know that I would not have. And yet, my lovely, long-suffering wife has done just that. Well, I suppose she has not made it until 7:30pm TX time, but she is already pretty close. Of course, I had to document that fact in today's strip.
I tried to call Dad yesterday afternoon, but did not reach him. I am hoping his treatment went OK. I am certain that he has the follow-up injection again today to eliminate the nausea. And then, we wait for some period of time for the chemical cocktail to work its magic before another blood test. Keep praying.

Zachary, good luck on those placement tests. If you are going to cheat, be sure that your cheat notes are well hidden, but available when needed. Speaking of which, can anyone believe how creative today's students are getting with cheating, including cell phones and other stuff. I do not envy teachers.

Well, I've got to run. Not like Justin and Lindsay, or even Brenda, but in my own non-physical way. I apologize to those of you now undergoing Rambo withdrawal. Who knows? He may come back some day. BTW, seven strips in my queue for publishing. Oh, the stress of creativity.

1 comment:

Auntie Eisel said...

Haha! I like how you have BTW in there. :) I'm sure Caleb will enjoy it.