Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Crown Him! Crown Him!

Yes, I know that you immediately heard the hymn Crown Him Lord of All in your head when you saw today's post title. And that was my intent. Each of our hearts should be lifting Him up all the time. However, there is often a twist in my writing, just like there is in Clarity of Vision. I just got in to the office from the dentist, where he and his assistants were doing just what today's title implies. I had to have an old crown cut off and be fitted for a new one. He cut a bit into the gums, so I am in a little pain now that the Novocaine has worn off. This is not the subject of today's strip, however.

The inspiration for this came from a news story about a fast food restaurant (in Ohio?) that would not serve a mother because her two-month-old had on no shoes and the sign said "No shoes, no service." That is ridiculous. Worse even was she put socks on the child and that was not good enough. They were not shoes. That led me to consider the dumbosity of doing the same type of service in an office setting.

Things are still unsettled here at the office. When I came in while ago, it looked as if 75% of the cubicles had people standing up and talking instead of heads down and working. They need to get the new positions posted and let us get in the future job and work. A list was published last night showing a few of the management positions, and how many boxes fall under each, but we don't know what skills are needed for the boxes, nor which of us can stay in our current jobs if we choose.

I sent a Director in another group a note about interest in one of his positions. I do not know exactly what it involves since I only know the title, but it sounds like it could be fun. I searched the internet for appropriate buzzwords and concepts to show him that I might fit the job. Worst case - they keep me in my current job, and as we can all imagine, a job is better than no job.

Alison was on the computer last night burning CDs for classroom use, so I did not get to play with photos. Maybe tonight. Kathie has a school function at 6:30pm, so it will just be Ali and me for dinner...I think. Maybe I will get home early enough that we can all eat together. After that, I hope to get on the computer.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Oh Good! I was afraid you were going to comment about me wearing flip-flops to church, that was a close one.