Whew! Kendall and Isabella stayed with us Saturday night. There is a reason God chose to give people babies when they were young because we were worn out by the time we got to church. Bella cried when we got there because she wanted to go with us again after church. We had a great time.
I have an interview at 10am today for a position in a different team. Now I am already in a different team by virtue of an appointment by my Director, so this is another opportunity. I do not know if there is a position there, nor if I fit it, but I wanted to have pursued all viable options as we complete the org restructure. This chance may not come along again. So just pray that I find the right job for me.
Dad continues to improve and is now beginning the hair growth stage of his recovery. Sure, many think that is not as important as getting over cancer, but I don't know. I mean, what if it comes back in all curly and looks like Kendall's hair, or mine when I had the afro? Or what if he only gets, like, seven hairs to grow back and he looks like Audrey or Homer Simpson? We will all just have to wait and see.