Wednesday, February 03, 2016

This Post is Serious, But Don't Call It Shirley

Let's start with the photos that I did not share yesterday due to my hasty decision to delete an unpublished post. One night in WDW, the GRANDS went dancing with a grumpy bear (one of the Country Bears). They probably asked me first, but I was probably being a grumpy grandfather.

I suppose it is more accurately called The Holiday Hootenanny.

You can tell that we were at the Magic Kingdom for the dancing, as evidenced by the brightly-lit castle.

One of my very favorite, all-time movies is Airplane! I got very excited when I came across an article explaining the origin of the classic line "Don't call me Shirley".

I saw an article last night entitled "Chipotle finally solved its problem with long lines". I thought that was hilarious. And true. I haven't been back since the whole e coli mess began, and I don't know when I will.

Yesterday's CoV was about the Iowa Caucus, but today, I am sharing some really interesting news about the presidential candidates of both parties. The article actually identifies where each candidate ordered their pizza from.

Speaking of candidates, you are already too late to get your own Garbage Pail stickers of the candidates. They are all sold out.

W had a department-wide call yesterday, but of course, the words the VP used had nothing to do with inspiring today's Clarity of Vision.

Do you consider yourself to be be a charitable giver? Maybe the reason you are (or are not) is simply because of the state in which you live? No, I don't mean mental state (although that is more likely a factor). I am talking about which of the United States you call home. Get the deets here.

BTW, today's shower song was the hymn Redeemed. More accurately, it is an arrangement we are doing in the multi-church choir. It might have then morphed into some other song, but that was hours ago and I can't remember what other song came to mind. Let's stick with the hymn.

OK, I didn't find anything else to share. I do have a big application launch today, so I need to confirm that everything is ready. Make it a Wonderful Wednesday.

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