Monday, February 01, 2016

Just Don't Call It 'Macaroni'

Do you know the proper rules for using a comma? Have you ever heard of the FANBOY rule? You can learn more about it in the article. It’s a great refresher, although it leaves out one of the funniest examples: “let’s eat, grandma” versus “let’s eat grandma.”

Are you still in a mood to learn something. OK, do you already know why Yankee Doodle called the feather in his cap 'macaroni'? This video will teach you the reason.

Oh, I mentioned food above, so we will move in that direction with a mention of 13 delicious quinoa bowls. A couple of them sound really good, and relatively easy to prepare. And, as the article states, "Knowing how to pronounce quinoa is not a pre-req for eating them".

Are you still reading today's post? I imagine that you would have finished at least a couple of minutes earlier if you knew how to speed read. Then again, this article suggests that "There really is no such thing as speed reading". The author notes "our capacity to quickly digest what we’ve read also depends on the difficulty and flow of the text". I wouldn't know since I can't speed read.

Whether you like it or not, it's time for you to participate in the blog. Below, you will see a few photos from 500px, a photo site. Which of them do you like the most? I think I would pick the bottom middle one first. I think I would choose the buildings at the seaside for my second favorite.

A winter storm is moving through. However, this photo is not taken after the rain here at home. It is a closeup of a plant in Orlando after one of their afternoon sprinkles.

And the same applies to this shot of some nice, yellow flowers, still damp following the rain.

There may be rain passing through, but up in the mountainous areas, it has already turned to snow. I know you have already figured out, though that this is a shot from our WDW visit where they make it snow every night.

Those really are my photos tweaked only to improve the contrast. They are also not as response-provoking as one man's Photoshopped image in a Nikon contest. See a few of the internet responses to his photo here.

This next item really is my creation, tweaked only to improve the contrast. No, that's not true. It is exactly as originally shared back in 2010.

Did you watch the live musical "Grease" last night on Fox TV? I thought it was pretty good. The guy playing Danny had a really good voice. Some of them (all?) looked older than high school, but that didn't really matter to me. If you enjoy musicals check it out. No, I am not waiting for the soundtrack, but it was more fun than the Pro Bowl (sorry, NFL).

Are you going to watch the new People vs OJ Simpson series on FX starting this week? I am. I remember the trial and the leadership team I was on at the time suspending a meeting when the verdict was announced.  Do you remember that (where you were for the verdict, not my meeting)?

I need to go watch my project team finishing up a couple of things before a launch later this week. So, you go watch TV or your commute or whatever on this Magnificent Monday. We'll meet again soon.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Macaroni! Who knew?!?

I'm going with (1) bottom middle, and (2) top right.

Also, the ladder/airplane shot was a good cautionary warning regarding digital trickery.