Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Control Panels, Chocolate Cake, and Climbing a Dome

A few years ago, we visited Yosemite National Park and hiked up to Sentinel Dome. It wasn't too strenuous and gave us great views of the park. Here is a shot of Half Dome from the top of the nearby Sentinel Dome.

Turning in another direction, we could also see Yosemite Falls. Too bad it wasn't the time of year for the Firefall, right?

Looking again to my right, I got a wider angle shot to show both Half Dome and the nearby Nevada Fall.

A man in the UK legally changed his name to Bacon Double Cheeseburger. His wife, Large Fries, said she knows he is her soulmate. No word on what their little nuggets think.

This morning's shower song was Blessed Messiah as sung by the pre-Southern gospel Gaither Vocal Band. Not that there's anything wrong with the current version of the group. I just liked the more complex, less twangy songs from their early days. Right now, I have their New Point of View album on my phone.

I got in the car for this morning's commute and my hand went through the various motions of looking for the gear shift. It is in a different location in each vehicle. It's like when you are a parent and you run through all your kid's names looking for the name you want to scold.

A Kansas City chef believes he's found the key to what he calls "chocolate nirvana." Hint: It involves a condiment usually reserved for sandwiches. Curious? I was, even though I (and probably you) already know what he is going to suggest. According to the chef's research, the earliest printed recipe for such a cake dates back to 1927. He also explains that "butter, eggs and oil were rationed around World War II" so the sandwich spread made a great replacement in cocoa-based cakes. Read more and get a recipe here.

Check out the picture below. A man created a wall with all the gadgets that his toddler wanted to play with and it seems to be a hit... at least it is with the interweb. Anyway, it seems to be a toddler version of a device my father built for his kids years ago with all sorts of electrical wonders that we could play with. Noises. Spinning lights. A big red button. Ours was dubbed The Control Panel. I can still visualize it in my mind even after decades have passed. It was lots of fun.

The other day, a lady at work mentioned that something (and I don't remember what) reminded her of artists renderings in a courtroom. That was enough to send my mind wandering, and it landed on the current TV special People v. O.J. Simpson. We are enjoying it a lot. I wonder who will win?

Have we run out of time already? Seems we just get started, and before you know it, comes the time we have to say "So long." Have a great Tuesday, my friends, and we will share again soon. For reals.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Oh, for a picture of the old "Control Panel"! I can't help but think that if I were to really see it again, it would probably be much less complex than I remember it.