Friday, February 26, 2016

Anniversaries Are a Dressy Affair

Aww, how cute. How old? Already one year old? That's amazing. It seems like only yesterday.
Of course, by now, you have figured out that I am talking about the Is it black&blue?/Is it white&gold? dress phenomenon on the interweb. Yes, it has been a year since that erupted. BTW, I usually saw it as blue.

When was the last time that Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Apple agreed on anything? In fact, has it ever happened before? Well, it seems that they are all in agreement on fighting the government's request to hack into the San Bernardino terrorist's cell phone. How do you feel about it? Yes, he was a terrorist and we want to prevent future attacks. Still, once we move onto the slippery slope of giving the government the ability to hack into our phones, have we opened Pandora's Box? Right now, I fall into the 'No Hacking' camp.

Today's Stupidest Things calendar entry:
Family Feud host: A drink you recognize by the smell.
Contestant: Potatoes.

Today's Really Bad Jokes calendar entry:
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Oliver who?
Oliver, but she doesn't love me.

Did you watch the Republican Debate last night? Yeah, me neither. Who's going to be the Republican candidate? You don't care? Right now, me neither.

Today's devotional is from Matthew 7:15-20, talking about false prophets as wolves in sheep's clothing. The first thing that popped into my mind was the Crystal Cathedral and Robert Schuller. I cannot know if he was really preaching a true message from God or his own prosperity gospel, but it is interesting that the church is gone right after he passed away. It seems to me that, if his messages and interpretations were real, the church would have survived his death. I confess I wonder the same thing about Joel Osteen.

Do you ever worry about getting hacked? I am fairly good about protecting my data away from home, but maybe a bit less stringent at home. a journalist with Fusion asked a couple of hackers to hack him, and they did. You should read the article if these types of things interest you. It reminded me of a book from long ago called Cuckoo's Egg about a guy chasing a hacked back in the modem days. Anyway, one quote I liked from the article talked about maintaining the appropriate level of caution.
“Do you worry about trained martial artists beating you up on the street?” Marquis-Boire asked me.
“Not particularly,” I responded.
“But you’re aware that they exist,” he said. “You’re also aware that you probably couldn’t do anything about it if one of them wanted to beat you up in the street.”
His point, he explained, was that while people can—and should—take basic steps to protect their digital security, most people probably shouldn’t worry about being subjected to a mega-hack like the one Dan and Chris had put me through. The real danger isn’t the trained martial artist attacking you; it’s the thief who notices that your car is unlocked and decides to help himself to some electronics.

Can you look at a photo and know where it was taken? OK, fine, I am not talking about photos of the Eiffel Tower, or the Washington Monument. You can test yourself at Give it a try—it’s a lot of fun and more tricky than it sounds. Anyway, Google now has a tool, PlaNet, that can do just that. Read about it here.

Have you filed your tax forms for 2015 yet? I have started mine, but not yet finished them. I want to get them out by mid-March. That should be doable, right?

Luigi's Rollickin' roadsters opens in just a few days. Are you excited, or has the new increased prices for Disney Parks turned you off to their magic. Well, watch the video about the new ride and you just might change your mind.

When I started writing today's CoV, I had no idea that the wife would get upset by the third panel.

We've got a Chorale concert on Saturday this week at a Seventh Day Adventist church. The good thing about that is I won't be rushed to finish Sunday lunch so I can hurry to a concert. OK, have a pleasant and relaxing weekend.

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