Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Punxsutawney Phil Prognostication Predicts ...

I saw that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today, so that means there should be an early Spring. I also saw that he is right only 39% of the time. I predict, then, that we have no clue as to whether or not Winter is over, but we will keep watching the movie Groundhog Day.

Today's shower song was The Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again'. That led me to think how the might CSI franchise has almost totally disappeared now. It had, what, three spin-offs, and only CSI:Cyber is still running.

Song #2 was the famous Lennon-McCartney song 'It's for You.' Never heard of it? Well, The Beatles never recorded it. They gave it to Three Dog Night. A group at college sang their arrangement and I really liked it. I found a version of it online from a Beatles sound-alike group called The BeatNiks.

OUCH!!! I loaded the photos I was planning to share last night. Since I always finish the post the following morning, it is saved automagically in the Drafts folder. This morning, I wrote the notes about songs in a separate draft. While ago, once I got to work, I wanted to merge those, but I knew I could delete the new one from this morning. Instead, I deleted the one with the photos. The only way to recover is if I find the exact URL on the machine where the draft was written... which is my home computer. That is a long-winded way to explain why there are no photos.

So instead, let me show you what is on my phone right now. First is a 'bumper snicker' (well, that's what Paul Harvey used to call funny messages on license plates) telling people why these snowbirds are in town.

I am currently borrowing my sister's car. Her radio doesn't work, and I am not willing to pay a couple hundred (or whatever the cost would be) to fix it. So, at the store, I was eyeing a portable radio. It reminded me of the old days of transistor radios and Top 40 music.

The results of the Iowa Caucus are in. Clinton squeaked ahead for the Dems, and Cruz cruised over Trump. On to NH. Are you excited to see who will be the nominees of each party, or are you more like the news anchor in today's comic?

You may have noticed there were not many links or stories today. Nope, it was pretty lean on options in the online news world. Sorry.

I did get an email the other day from AMC Theaters. They said, according to the subject line of the message, that "there's a seat with your name on it at AMC". Really? Well, I didn't carve my name into any furniture, nor did I endow the theater with money to name my own chair. I just thought it was a funny subject, and decided to subject you to it, also.

I watched the trailer for the newest Kung Fu Panda the other day, and this quote stuck out. "If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now." I think the new bad guy, played by JK Simmons, said it was his favorite quote from the movie. I liked it.

As happens fairly frequently, our time is over for today. Please deposit another quarter for 15 more minutes. Or, come back tomorrow for more wisdom and wit.

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