Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Fake Dogs, Fake Cookies, Fake Carrot Cake, Real (Unfortunately) Singing

Today's joke from my Page-A-Day calendar. I am not a golfer, but you do not have to be to appreciate the twist in the joke.
One day a man and his wife were playing golf at their home course. On a certain par four, the man teed it up and hit a big slice into the woods. They found his ball directly behind the greenkeeper's shed; his shot was completely blocked. But his wife noticed that the shed had double doors at both ends: “If we open the doors on either side, you can hit a low shot through the building and right onto the green.” The man congratulated his wife on her cleverness and tried to make the shot, but the ball hit the top of the door frame and came whistling back, striking his wife in the temple and killing her.

A year or so later, the same man playing the same par four hit the tee shot almost exactly to the same spot as before. As he cursed his luck and prepared to hit the ball back onto the fairway, his playing partner said, “Wait, we can open these double doors and—”

“No way,” the man cut him off. “I was here last year and tried that shot and ended up making a six.”

We know that the flavors of Valentine’s Day are red velvet and strawberry shortcake, and the flavors of fall are pumpkin spice and caramel apple, but the Easter candy season apparently needs more novelty flavors. That’s why Hershey has brought us white chocolate-based carrot cake kisses. I heard you can find them at Walmart.

It might seem like Girl Scout cookies are all the same, but it turns out the Girl Scouts use two bakers, and which cookies you get depends on where you live. Now, we did not purchase any this year, but I don't know if I could tell the difference between which baker made the cookies I was eating. The Girl Scouts use two bakers, ABC and Little Brownie. In most cases, where you buy determines which cookies you’ll get, as in Samoas instead of Caramel deLites or Tagalongs instead of Peanut Butter Patties. The LA Times has a map to help you figure out which you’ll get.

How about some baked chicken to go with your cookies and kisses? This sounds like an almost foolproof method to make the perfect chicken breasts. Yes, I might do this recipe, unlike many that I post.

No, no, no! I would not want a stuffed animal in the exact image of a past dog. I do still miss Momo, our last dog, but I don't want a stuffed animal that looks like him. Maybe that's just me, though, so you can decide for yourselves.

Do you suffer from GERD? Many of us do, but not all of us are on the medicines for it. I just learned today that a popular class of heartburn medications might raise a senior's risk of dementia, a new study suggests. Called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), this group of drugs includes Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid. If you are on them, you might double-check with your physician about alternatives.

We get points towards a discount at certain gas stations from our grocer. This past weekend, we used those points and filled up a Honda CR-V for less than $6. Nice, right? I think we got around 12 gallons.

Sometimes, I enjoy reading opinions that differ from my own just to evaluate their reasoning. This is an article ranking every president's seventh year. For the author, Woodrow Wilson's was the worst, and George Washington's was the best. Go have a look to see where Obama and W. rank.

How about those Grammy awards last night. No, I didn't watch it, although I did listen to Adele's song after it went viral on the web. Yeah, not her best.

Do you ever watch those kinds of shows that ask What would you do? I read an article this morning talking about the challenges that AT&T faces and how they are looking toward the future. It has quotes from people in many jobs across many age groups. To keep your job, would you be willing to take courses on your own time at night? Yes, the company will reimburse you up to $6K a year, but you are doing the studying on non-work time. It sounds like many of the older workers are saying, "No, thanks" and the younger ones are complying because they know they must to retain their positions. It is tough for the workers, but the company also has to embrace the digital future. If you worked there, what would you do? If you were in leadership there, would you recognize and embrace the new culture?

How about a fun fact? On Feb. 16, 1923, the burial chamber of King Tutankhamen's recently unearthed tomb was unsealed in Egypt. And today, none of the people who were there are still alive. Curse of the mummy? Who am I to say? You'll have to judge for yourselves.

I cannot start Outlook this morning, so I need to reboot my computer. Since I have to close blogger.com anyway, I will go ahead and sign off from today's post and send it your way. It is Tuesday, but it feels like Monday, right? Either way, have a great day.

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