Wednesday, June 26, 2013

You Are Cleared for Take-off

That is pretty much what the Home Health nurse told Dad yesterday. It seems he may not need any additional therapy. Is this the same dude that was almost comatose a week ago? Is it true that this guy was released from ICU only one week ago? I know it. We are all so happy. God can do anything.

He is not yet cleared for driving, though. That could happen early next week, though, when he revisits his neurosurgeon.

Speaking of Grandfathers, this one keeps showing up in my comics. What can I say? He enables a lot of punchlines.

Speaking of happy, I tried to get this type of shot with the next two GRANDS, but no one quite achieved this level of exuberance for a cake. One lesson was learned, though, Daughter-in-love did not use purple coloring in the next two first birthday cakes. And another lesson was not to put the high chair quite so close to the curtains.

One of the risks by putting several links in a post is that I may not find good ones the following day. That is true today. I just looked around and...nothing. So, we will call it a day (blogging-wise) and move on. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

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