Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Presentation Went Fine. Thanks for Asking.

I don't know that the methods used in the presentation are the best, but they are well designed. We still had some good practice remembering the formulas.

Teacher Daughter is still recovering from her recent surgery. Too bad it gets so hot in the afternoons while she is stuck at home and we are on time-of-day electricity plan which means it routinely reaches 84 in the house and she is about out of things to watch on TV and MBH and I are not home because of work and.... Oh, I guess I am out of things to add to that sentence.

I am watching Master Chef as I write this post. So, it should be no surprise that it influences today's CoV. As I note in the title, though, why did I make Chevy Chase represent good TV? I did like him on SNL, though, and I enjoyed the Vacation movies.

I almost always try for night shots whenever we travel. Here is a photo of Hoover Dam at night. This one took 3.2 seconds to capture the deep color.

Something today made me think of an old Bugs Bunny cartoon using what I would call "factory" music. Can you hear that song in your mind? It is called Powerhouse by Raymond Scott. Listen to the original here.

Check out this quote from a blog I follow. "I first stumbled across this recipe at The Green Kitchen and instantly fell in love with it, I've tweaked it a little, but by enlarge, it's true to the original." Yes, it does say 'by enlarge', not 'by and large'. Did you catch that?

I recently added a note to Trip Advisor about our San Diego vacation. That is where this hotel's management looks for employee comments, positive or negative. Anyway, to thank me, they are sending me two free luggage tags. Nice, right? I just ordered them (3-5 weeks delivery), but it looks like they don't have my name imprinted or anything. Just their logo on the back. So, why does it take a month to ship them? I don't know, but they were free, so send them along, people.

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