Monday, June 10, 2013

Not Very Talkative Today

I am struggling for content today, so this will be brief.

The folks did end up missing their annual family reunion this year. Dad just was not able to feel strong enough to make it. So, we ended up going over and stealing Mom to accompany us on a couple of sofa shopping trips. We had a good time.

Can you imagine Elvis singing Led Zeppelin songs? If you can, you have probably already heard or seen Dread Zeppelin. If not, it is time for you to listen to an odd experience. Here they are singing Black Dog.

You know who we have not heard from in a while? Our buddy, the Ninja PM. I wonder if he is still hanging around?

I started working a bit on cleaning up my photo storage and adding keywords to each. So, I came across the UK trip in 2004 and saw this pair of shots. At one castle we visited in Scotland (Monday mention - I just found the name. Threave Castle. Man, how did we live before the interweb?), it had scaffolding on some places where they were restoring it. I took a photo anyway, but I was disappointed with the intrusion of modern life.

So, thanks to Photoshop, I removed the scaffolding and saw the shot I was looking for. Better, right? Can I make that change and still have this shot represent what we saw? Of course it is OK. After all, even Ansel Adams said, "Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships."

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