Monday, June 24, 2013

News About Dad, Sis, TED, Bella, and SS

Dad is finally home from the hospital. He was released Saturday morning. We sat in on his last rehab sessions at the hospital so we could see what was involved and what kinds of things we should watch for at home. Sometime this week, he should begin some in-home sessions for OT and ST (definitions in an earlier post). Healing is still needed, so continue praying for him.

Since IT Sis came back from vacation, she has been staying with the folks to be available should something happen as Dad regains his strength and cognitive abilities. Thanks, Sis.

Here is a conversation I had recently.

I took a practice test yesterday in preparation for my certification test mid-July. I got 73%, which is passing. However, I need to work on the Executing and Closing sections as both scores were less than 70%. I had not planned on taking it, but I promised the study group I would do so before July 1, so this was with no extra studying. That makes me feel a bit more confident. I was worried since I have been distracted for a couple of weeks.

By now, you've probably seen this story, but it is a funny one.

Do you ever check any of the TED videos? There are some interesting ones (and I have mentioned some in the past). Anyway, I enjoyed this one. I admit I skipped past the interpretations and went straight for the action.

Speaking of Pinterest (nobody was, but I wanted to share this link), this is a fun-looking homemade game. Maybe I should make one (or maybe you should and you can tell me about it)? And I guess this is easier for storing card games, but it seems a bit unwieldy for carrying them to someone else's house or on vacation. I did get to play games on Saturday night with family, though. I played Play Nine with Bella and Farkle with Salesman Son. And, of course, ate way too much good food, as I always do when daughter-in-love cooks.

Hey, family, remember that time we started to build Noah's Ark?

Listen, it is Monday and we need to get our work groove on, so let's start the day (after a healthy breakfast, of course, since it is the most important meal of the day). I am sure I will have more to say tomorrow.

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