Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Admit I Did Not Create Today's Presentation

Wednesday, I have to take the PMP Study Group through a special study of the important formulas. In looking for ideas to help us remember what the formulas are and how to use them, I came across a great presentation. It was available for free download, so I did and I will present it (including the disclaimer of whose presentation it is and how to reach him) for our review. It really has some good ideas to help us prepare for our test.

As project managers, we have to stay in front of our team in guiding work. Well, unless we are ninjas...

For most of us with less expensive cameras, it is a challenge to focus correctly on nighttime photos. And if it is something fast moving, it is even more of a problem. Luckily, some of my fireworks photos came out OK, such as this one from 2005.

By now, you have probably all seen the announcement about a Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe. Does that sound too weird, or weirdly exciting for you?

Do you remember that time back in 2008 when David Blaine held his breath for 17 minutes? Was it real? I can neither confirm nor deny, but here he is talking about it at a TED conference.

Did I mention that my grandson is sick with some type of virus that resembles chicken pox but apparently is not? Yup. And at 14 months old, you cannot reason with him and explain the symptoms and stuff. I imagine it is quite tiring taking care of him right now. Sorry, Lynds.

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