Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Price of Puppies

I am keeping Molly, KLIK's puppy, while they are at Disneyland. Whew. I forget what a puppy is like. She is everywhere at the same time. Jumping up on me, chasing the cat, chewing Morris' toys, trying to retrieve things under the couch, wanting in and out and in again. I'm tired, and all I am doing is telling you about it. Luckily, she is a good puppy, so no mischief.

Kathie is at The Dis with KLIK. She said the upgraded Star Tours is really cool, and that somehow, they featured Bella as part of the program. I'll have to find out more when they return. I also need her to get my routine established again. Usually, she sets the alarm, so I forgot to do it last night. Luckily, the dogs woke me just after 6am. It did mean that I had to fight rush hour traffic that I normally avoid.

It is already June. Sure, the thermometer shows we are entering summer, with today's high reaching 100F. It is amazing, though, how quickly the year is passing. And because it is June, there could be junehem in the air. What? Read this.

I have a conference call around 9am, but I do not need to do any prep for it. I have a meeting at 11am that I do have some prep for. And I need to do a little CAPM reading today. Plus, generate the weekly metrics. So, I june be back tomorrow, Lord willing and the crick don't rise.

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