Friday, June 17, 2011

The End of VBS and the Week

Sure. It is a Friday in June. All across the nation, VBS is ending at churches either today or maybe last night. For the rest of us, it is a Friday halfway through June. Teachers and students are watching as their brief break draws towards its close. Workers are counting down days until their vacation. Retirees? Well, they are probably doing whatever it is they do all the time.

So, jobless claims are a bit higher again. That led me to write about hearing that jobs fell again last month.

I think we are going to check out the new X-Men movie this weekend. We'll also probably go over to Dad's and wish him a Happy Father's Day. After all, he was out of town last weekend during my early Father's Day celebration, so I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. Oh, and they are giving double stamps at The Good Egg all weekend. so we'll also catch brunch. And we are being introduced as new members at our church, too.

It is probably painfully obvious that my daily ramblings are just that, ramblings. I usually have one or two ideas I know I want to convey, and then, I just see where my thoughts take me. Well, take us since you are reading this. Unless you stopped after seeing the Clarity of Vision, in which case it is where my thoughts take me. However, I don't want to go on too long or both of us might get bored. Unless you stopped reading, in which case only I am getting bored with a long post.

So, that means it is time to stop before I write another paragraph like the last one. Thanks for taking a look and making it this far. I'll have more to say next week. No, let me restate that. I will say more next week, even if I do not have anything to say. See you then.

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