Thursday, June 16, 2011

AWOL and Belated Birthday Wishes

Yes, I know that I was absent without leave yesterday. No, I was not sick. Nor was I on vacation. I wasn't even sitting around being lazy. I started off the day with a doctor's appointment, so I came in late. Then, I had to prepare the agenda for a late morning meeting. At the meeting, my boss gave me another assignment that ate up the rest of the day. I had actually even already written the Clarity of Vision on Monday, so it was ready. Oh well. Let's not cry over spilled flavored milk since it has too much sugar to be offered in LA schools.

Let's go ahead and see this alleged cartoon allegedly written last alleged Monday.

As the second half of today's post title mentions, I wanted to wish Kyle a belated birthday. Well, it is belated only here in the blog. We actually held the joint party last Sunday, but I did not mention it here. Happy Birthday, Kyle.

Kathie and I are happy to announce a new addition to our household. Well, it's really just for the weekend. And she's not really new to our house, just a new visit. Yep, Molly is back in Chandler. She looks so unbelievably like a dog we used to have when the kids were younger. It is crazy. So, now Morris and Molly will have obnoxious barking contests as each tries to establish dominance. And we will have yelling contests to try to be the one to quiet the dogs. It's craziness, I say.

The sister of a lady at work had a baby some twelve weeks before her due date. So, they have nothing ready in their nursery. Luckily, we have a baby bed, high chair, and stroller that we were going to give to Goodwill. And we have the Dora bed that Bella used that we can give to the lady, who will soon have a daughter ready to move out of her crib. I like that we can help someone specific rather than just give it all to Goodwill.

Now, we come to the part of the post that you look forward to the most. The end. Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow as expected. Hopefully for me, anyway. I cannot know what you are thinking. I hope we see each other then.

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