Thursday, June 02, 2011

Hangover, Too

Yup, I am thinking about a hangover this morning. Oh no, not that. I don't drink. I was just noticing that my expanding muffin top is hanging over my belt just a touch. I need to get more exercise. Now that it is swimming season again, I need to take the time to use our pool. Sure, I could also eat a bit healthier, but let's not introduce too many changes at once.

Speaking of hangovers and kids, when someone says "Senior Trip," what do you think of? Well, that is not necessarily what I think of.

KLIK and Kathie got back from Disneyland last night. I have avoided mentioning that Alison and I were cleaning up and painting the middle bedroom. Kathie has wanted me to get that done for a while. So, now that she has seen the results (and was quite pleased, too), I can mention it here in the blog. We painted two walls a chocolate brown and two are beige. I hung a few posters of Ricardo Alarcon photos on a couple of the walls. We will put up a few of my photos on the other wall, with one one wall being blank because it holds the closet doors and the room door. Previously, this room held a crib, a child's day bed, and a high chair. With the GRANDS growing up, we don't need those anymore. I guess we will give the stuff to Goodwill.

Here is an example of one of Alarcon's shots. I think I hung this one on the outside wall facing the door.

I only have two meetings today. One is the usual 8:30am conference call, but the second is from 1-4pm. I hope it is interesting.

I can always tell that I am finished writing in my blog when I sit at my desk for more than two minutes thinking, "What else do I want to talk about?" As long as my writing is free-flowing, I type it in and don't look back. Right now, though, the creative well has run dry. Rather than make you sit there while I think, I will bid you adieu and let you leave before we are all bored. See you soon.

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