Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day Minus Two

We are fast approaching the annual overeating and Cowboys watching and family visiting day. All of that, and we still call it Thanksgiving? As I write this, my mind looks back across Thanksgiving memories and family gatherings in North Louisiana. That is exactly the types of memories we tried to build in our kids, and I know that is what Kyle and Lyndsay are doing for their kids. We will all gather this year over at the folks house and do all of the above.

Now, my mind is looking over all the fond memories of work. Nope. That thought was over even before I finished typing the sentence. Not quite as fun. Still, just two more days of work this week.

Since we are staying here in AZ, we do not have to brave the craziness of airports and backscattering and intimate searches. Some do, though. If you do, I hope it goes well for you (and by well, I mean uneventful).

Have any of y'all seen the new Harry Potter? It raked in quite a bit of cash over the weekend (although apparently not record-breaking). Maybe we'll catch a movie this weekend. I'll check with my better half to see what I might want to see.

Did you start watching The Good Guys on Fox after I mentioned it last week or whenever it was. You only have a couple of weeks left, so record it and check it out. I already anticipate missing it.

I am absolutely gobsmacked. (Can I say that in a family-friendly blog?) Denise updated this week. She did! Go check it out. And thanks to the others who also keep WEBNET active.

I was thinking about how to end today's post and I thought about writing "A mind is a terrible thing to waste," but I feared some of you might say disparaging things about my mind already being a waste. Instead, I will say...

Thanks for stopping by today. Since I am working on Wednesday, there will be a new CoV. So, you can take that as an exciting anticipation or a dire warning about trolling through the interweb mindlessly. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I don't have to be to work until 8:30 tomorrow and should be done by 10:30. Good day. On a sad note, I have to show up and muster on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 0800!