Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's "All Turkey All the Time" Tomorrow

There are so many things I am thankful for. And yet, I seem to get caught up with all the problems (or at least perceived problems) that I face. I have a God who loves me. Yes, me personally. A loving wife, great kids (all three of them including my daughter-in-love), beautiful healthy granddaughters, a job (no mean feat in this economy), a church I enjoy attending, the Chorale (so I can still be involved in a choir). There are just too many things to list here. It reminds me of a song a college roommate and his sister used to sing (a Henry Mancini song sung by The Carpenters):

Sometimes, not often enough, we reflect upon the good things
And those thoughts always center around those we love.
And I think of all the people who mean so much to me
And for so many years have made me so very happy.
And I count the times I have forgotten to say
Thank You
And just how much I love them.

For the sublime to the ridiculous, let's see today's CoV.I almost trashed this one in favor of the one I will publish Monday about the TSA. However, I really wanted a turkey idea for pre-Thanksgiving.

I have heard they will be letting us leave early today. OK, not as early as ZKW will be getting off (see his comment yesterday). And wasn't traffic wonderful this morning?

Dad's computer monitor died yesterday. Between he and I, we are killing off electronic equipment almost as fast as complaints are coming in about enhanced pat-downs.

Have y'all finished Christmas shopping? Have you even started? I don't know what the family will be doing about Black Friday, but I plan to sleep through the 4am sales on Friday.

By the way, today's Clarity of Vision is number 400. Wow. Let me think, if 18 of them were funny, what is that percentage? Well, it doesn't matter. I guess I'll shoot for 500 now. Let me think again, if most of you only read one per month, what percentage is that? Again, it doesn't matter. I've read almost all of them.

Listen, if I am leaving early, I'd best complete today's tasks. And you need to finish your To Do list, also. Take tomorrow off from work. Friday, too, if you think you can. I won't be back until Monday, so no need to stop by my desk. OK, phone call. See you next week.


Craig Weeks said...

Would someone who knows better than I do weigh in on this? Should Randy have said "Between him and me, ..."? It sounds better to my ear but I cannot be certain.

Keith said...

No, Craig. He got it right. The Wild Turkey lines, however, may not be right. Oh well. I do read this every day! What does that say about me?
Love you, bro.
Zachary just left for his short day (we're in Lemoore today); he hopes to be home in a couple of hours.
Happy Thanskgiving!

Lewis said...

I'm not sure whether Craig or Keith are right. I do know that Randy ain't right (as in, "That boy just ain't right.") Sorry I am not more help. I'm from Louisiana and we don't really speak English down here.
Keep up the CoV's Randy. I think they are actually getting better.
Y'all have a happy thanksgiving out there.

Keith said...

Okay, I stand corrected. After discussion with certain university students with a penchant for grammar and syntax, I learned that "between him and me" would be correct. Extra points for Professor Weeks.
But Lewis is also certainly correct in his conclusion that "That boy just ain't right."

Craig Weeks said...
