Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting Closer to Thanksgiving

I am not sure what families will be in town for Thanksgiving. I suspect maybe only those of us that live here. OK, I meant of my family, not in general. And don't call me a turkey for that mis-statement.

I think it was the funny cheerleader, Brittany, in the TV show Glee that made the statement you will see in panel three of today's CoV. If it was not, it could have been. In one episode, she said "Sometimes, I forget my middle name." In another, "I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist." She is hilarious. OK, here's today's comic.

The GRANDS are spending the night. I am not sure of our exact plans, but I think they involve cake for dinner, cookies for dessert, and gummy bears for breakfast. Now I am not sure what the girls will have. Wow. I crack myself up.

I finished my Workplace Harassment course yesterday. I told the rest of the team to try and take the assessment quiz at the end before they wait on all the videos. I don't know if that is possible, but someone thought they had heard that from someone else. They should try it, though. Most of the questions were pretty obvious. You know, like "If someone said they felt harassed and ask you to keep it secret, can you? 1) Sure, it was not really that serious anyway. 2) No, tell them our policy requires that you tell HR and let them handle it and determine the seriousity. 3) Promise you will keep it secret but then tell HR anyway. 4) Do not tell HR, and if you tell your peers, make sure they will keep it a secret." No, I don't remember the exact question and options, but it was something like that.

Yesterday, my work email folder got full and I had to spend an hour or so going through it so I could send and receive messages again. Don't you hate that? I meant about the folder being full, not me being able to send and receive messages. Although I suppose you may hate both of those things.

For VD yesterday (Veteran's Day. What did you think?), the company provided donuts. Unfortunately, they gave us plenty, so I ended up the day having eaten three. Uggh. I still feel overloaded on sugar. So, I only had two for breakfast. No, none today, but three in one day is too much.

It was day two of light(er) traffic. Yeah, I could get used to this.

I need to start my workday now. I see a couple of incomplete actions from Wednesday that I want to knock out this morning. So, let's each grab our to-do lists and get some of the items done. Come back as soon as you finish your list and let's compare notes. Or we could wait until Monday to meet again. Yeah, let's do that.


Lindsay Ward said...

I lost all my emails about a year ago in a computer crash...but I've found it is better b/c when people ask me if I have something, I ask was it before October 2009...then no :)

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Lindsay Ward said...

I am wondering how you knew the recipe to those cupcakes?? The icing was the only good part...raseberry and creamcheese