Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

Some of you may be seeing this later than normal because you are sleeping in today. Well, not all of us get this day off. I know there are parades in PHX and the local suburbs, but I won't make any of them. Still, thanks to all of you who have served and helped protect the rights of our country and her people.

Having said that, I will now proceed to use the veteran concept to attempt some humor in today's Clarity of Vision.

Kathie working at McDonalds? Yep. They have an annual fund raiser at the nearby Golden Arches and the teachers all work for an hour or so. A portion of the profits is then given back to the school. I am thinking she will probably stay as a teacher rather than go full-time there.

We have a new Guide function on our Cox cable system. So far, I don't like most of it. They are trying to catch TiVo on functionality, but they took away some features that I was used to. For example, I tape a certain segment of the Sunday news show here (just the medical updates segment). So, I only set it for 8:10-8:30. We can no longer tape only part of a show. With Cox, it's all or nothing. Is it all or nothing with you? Oops. Sorry. My mind went all Oklahoma musical on me.

One nice thing about Federal holidays is that traffic flows very well. I was running late, but made up some time on the freeway. Whoo hoo.

Still, I am past the time when I normally complete my post. So, I will end it now. Y'all have a good holiday and let's meet again tomorrow, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I choose bright-eyed, so y'all better be bushy-tailed.

1 comment:

Zachary said...

I had a nice day off, thanks for asking! We spent it with my good friend who is leaving on deployment on Monday morning. Y'all be praying for Matt and Sarah Baxter!