Friday, November 19, 2010

Snuck In Using Firefox

Well, somehow, I cannot login to using Internet Exploder, but Firefox let me in with nary a whimper. Nary, I say. So, I am now running late, but fell I owe you a complete post since we missed yesterday's. I did post one this morning to show you yesterday's Clarity of Vision, so scroll on down and check it out after you finish this one. No, you can go look at it now, if you want, and then come back for this post.

Our org is taking off the afternoon to go work at St. Mary's Food Bank in downtown PHX. The company gives everyone one day off per year for charitable work. I guess this counts as half of mine, huh? I don't know what we will be doing, but I did hear on the radio that they are having a turkey drive today, so maybe we'll be eating turkey. No, I meant accepting turkeys from charitable neighbors.

I have had a cold all week (no fever, so it is not flu), and I am better, but still not much of a voice. Hey, I heard someone say I never had much of a voice. That was not nice. Anyway, I hope it is back for the Chorale concert on Sunday.

I had my annual post-op checkup earlier this week and I guess I am still healthy. Well, as healthy as an old dude like me can be.

Someone at work suggested I try a cartoon on how many different work request ticketing systems we have here. Well, here is the result of that suggestion.
Bella called last night and quoted a Bible verse to us. Wow! That was pretty cool. And of course, Kendall had to talk to her Pops. We had a nice little talk, too.

I am not sure what we have planned for the weekend. How about you? Anything special? I heard there were still colors up near Sedona, but I don't know if I want to make that drive.

I don not have any meetings today, maybe because we are out of the office starting just after 12pm. So, don't try to call me at work this afternoon. I will be charitizing downtown. We should be through before Monday, so look for me then, especially since it looks like Firefox will allow me to chat with you a while. Have a good weekend, my friends.


Lindsay Ward said...

That sounds like my office! We are going to the Baylor v OU game in Waco...that is my big plans.

Keith said...

Turkey Drive sounds like a great idea for a CoV!
We are having Thanksgiving in Lemoore. Thanks for catching up on your posts.

Anonymous said...

well randy, hope you feel better before the concert; great news of the doctor visit for an "old-dude". as for turkey day we are expecting 10 people the girls/families are coming + my dad, twin brothers, and my sister & bro in-law ( the coast-guard& commander chief) waayyyy toooo muchhh of military...guess will have to be on my best behavior for the food inspectors!! will probably pass out that nite just in time to get up the next morning for the big spending "cha-ching!!" only i have monopoly money so i am a millionire now..hopeful thinking anyway! cassandras little girl loves that game, of course grandma lets her win you know...

Zachary said...

Did you say something about Don Knots? I am pretty confused. How do you know about his meeting schedule?