Monday, November 08, 2010

...But No Pictures

I had an idea for a cartoon while in the shower this morning. However, this is only tangentially related to the concept I started with. Today's CoV is loosely based on the strict DUI laws in AZ. I think a 10-day sentence is pretty much required, even on the first offense. So, how could I help someone survive?

As you noticed in the title of today's post, I do not have a photo to share because I had to delete them from my work machine and network. I did play a little with some of them trying to build a book. One shot from Bryce Canyon just screamed out for black and white. As you can guess, all that screaming scared the dog, but I did convert it and it came out kinda cool. I'll try to remember to load it tonight to show you tomorrow.

Oh, you want to talk football? The Cowboys? No comment. The Cardinals? No comment. ASU? No comment. U of A? No comment. That's enough football talk.

We had a really good East Valley Chorale concert last night. Good acoustics in the church. An enthusiastic audience. Most of the chorale in attendance. It was fun.

We went to see the Little Mermaid with the GRANDS on Saturday. They seemed to really enjoy it and the performance was clever and well p[aced for kid's attention spans. Then over to Joe's real BBQ for lunch. Mmm mmm.

Carey had a friend in from Canada this past week. We met her yesterday at lunch. She seemed very nice. I am afraid our family may have overwhelmed her. They were going ice skating after we left. What? Ice skating in PHX when you are from Canada?

Someone left a couple of Jolly Rancher stix on my desk. It would have been better if they had not opened them and licked them first. No, they are still sealed. I did not touch them in case I need to check for fingerprints. Hmm. I watch too much CSI, right?

Four meetings today. Sounds average. One of them is about our new benefits package. It is our annual sign-up time. I don't imagine the changes are in our favor, though.

Today's calendar entry:
Question on insurance form: Could either driver have done anything to avoid the accident? Insurance claimant's answer: traveled by bus?

OK, I am feeling like I should go check on the emails from the weekend. Do not try to read them over my shoulder. I should be finished in 24 hours or so, so I'll meet you here then.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

I'm sure it just slipped your mind, but the Aggies romped and, yea verily, stomped on the Sooners this weekend.