Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

We have reached the season of focusing on giving thanks for those things that really matter. For us, we started last night with a Thanksgiving service at church. Isabella sang as part of a children's choir. Kendall was very good, also, throughout the service. We also held an "open mike" giving thanks opportunity. Now, on to Thanksgiving Day itself. This year, it will only be those of us that live here in the Valley of the Sun. I think we are catching ZooLights on Saturday night. I hope it is nice and cool.

I missed a Chorale concert yesterday due to this cold. I still don't have my voice back. Hey, did I hear someone giving thanks for that?

Some of you are probably giving thanks for Clarity of Vision. Right? Anybody? Bueller? Well, I am publishing it anyway.
We had a good time on Friday at St. Mary's Food Bank. The turkey give-away wasn't until Saturday, but there were still hundreds coming through. Many of them thought the give-away was Friday, so they were upset they did not get their turkey. I worked in the soda packing area at first, and then in the vegetable loading area. We did have a good time and it was more team-building than I would have guessed.

Well, it is only a three day week, so I'd best get started so I can still provide five days worth of value. We get Thursday and Friday off this week. Yeah! I'm giving thanks for that.

I guess I will give you something for which you will give thanks. That is all I am writing for today. I've already jumped over and answered two emails while I was writing this post. What a multitasker, huh? You can also give thanks that we can meet again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, same bat channel tomorrow....zoo lights? way too early for me, will probably go during christmas with cassandra and kylee; maybe people wont say the word "pirate" as it will be dark! or maybe i will take it off and just close one eye as the crowd swiftly moves my steps as i make my way thru the maze of "zoo-lighters"...well better go make my pumpkin bread, am having a few more people than myself & pat. just an idea...maybe do some "lip-sink" in the chorale? but in english not spanish you, i dont have an identity, am illegal you know ( pirates belong in disneyland )some real gold would be nice though!