Thursday, July 01, 2010

Do You Have Coffers?

Doesn't everyone have coffers? No, not coffee. No, not even coffins. Coffers, as in a place you store your money. Yeah, I guess this guy may not have any, either.
I seem to remember a song about smoking that was clever. Check this out.

Well, it is time for another annual swimming get-together, held every Thursday with the granddaughters at our house. Speaking of Grands, I heard their A/C went out again. Man, that is horrible. I have not heard about the timing for getting it repaired yet, but even today is a long time without air conditioning.

I may need to get my body repaired after doing some P90X with Kathie and Ali last night. I am certainly feeling it today. Maybe I should stick to Wii exercise games.

I am having a PB&J for lunch today, made with the homemade jelly from Aunt Martha that she gave us at the family reunion. I can hardly wait.

It is almost Friday. That's good, right? Let's got finish today so tomorrow can come. See you then.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Justin saw the jelly at my parents house and was jealous. Justin and I are doing P90X. We are on week four. The first week was the hardest...we were so sore. But after the first week, I haven't noticed the soreness.