Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Early in the Middle of the Week

We are almost halfway through this week. And then, Grand Canyon. Well, at least for some of us. That means I am only 3 days away from renting my wide angle. Brenda, it is a 12-24mm F2.8. I did not want a fish-eye because I don't always like the distortion it introduces.

Sure, I am renting a lens, but don't sue me. I don't need a law firm, although I see ads for them all the time on TV. Like this one, maybe?
It looks like we should reach 116F today. That is a bit warm, even after living here for decades. Still, we expect it. I imagine the northeast is really uncomfortable with 100+ temps.

I've got a deadline today that is already calling my name. Don't you hate that? So, we have a meeting with one VP today at 1pm and then a meeting with the CIO tomorrow about all the project requests that we have been cleaning up. So, I'm going to get to cleaning. Lock up when you leave, OK?


Lindsay Ward said...

Supposed to be 97 here today with a heat index of 105! Good COV today.

Brenda Walker said...

look forward to seeing your pictures. Let me know what you think if the lens

Zachary Walker said...

Only 86 here right now at 1130, supposed to be 99 today.