Wednesday, July 07, 2010

I Remembered

Some time in the last few weeks, I missed Chorale practice because I did not work on Monday and so thought that Tuesday was Monday. This week, Kathie and Alison helped me remember. And this coming Sunday, we sing at the AZ Veteran's Home. Of course, we have prepared several patriotic pieces. Last time we did this, they set us up in the hallway at the top of the stairs. Our director has assured us that we will actually be in a room this time.

Let's talk about literature and movies, man.Well, he almost made it to the book, right?

The new washer is to be delivered today. So, the old one died Sunday morning. In the past, it would stop working, then start again an hour or two later. Sounds like an overheating motor, right? This time, it had not restarted (yes, we left it on) by Monday night, so we bought a new one. However, it finally restarted yesterday morning. Yes, 48 hours later. I think it is time to replace it. Then again, sometimes I will be working and then stop, only to restart 48 hours later. I hope they don't replace me.

I need to replace the fill valve on my pool, too. I have the new one, but want to do it during daylight, just in case something happens. I will try and get to that tonight.

Dad remembered to ask for the photos of the reunion trip from Pastor Bro yesterday. I don't know if he also sent one to Architect Bro or not. I kept meaning to write to them, but I don't have their addresses here at work and that is where I usually remembered. After we get everything, we can create a photo book of the best shots. Whoo Hoo.

I have been thinking about the Canyon trip and maybe, if I get a good deal, I will rent both a wide angle lens for the canyon and a macro lens in case I see nice flowers and stuff. I said maybe.

Hey, I am outta here. Thanks for visiting.

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