Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another New Boss

I now report to a new boss. This is my fourth or fifth since I joined this company. I hope it doesn't change for a year or so. It makes it interesting to fill out the annual performance appraisal when your boss wasn't around the entire previous year.

Ah well. It's not all bad. I'm still employed. Speaking of bad, that is a central theme to today's Clarity of Vision.Check out the CoV blog for an explanation of the creative process for today's comic.

It is swim night. However, between the heat and humidity and the temperature of the pool, we don't even have to jump in to be wet. And when we are in the pool, it feels like the temp of the air. When we get out, though, it does feel cooler for a while.

I talked to a guy at work who leaves on vacation today. He also rented a lens for the week, although he chose a 200mm telephoto. He is heading over to San Diego for a few days. We also discussed the best way to capture a sunset, but also have people in the shot that are not too dark to be seen. We talked about fill flash, dialing down the intensity, and setting it to synch the flash at the beginning of the shot.

I am struggling to find more topics for the blog today. So, I think I will just end without further rambling. After all, tomorrow is FRIDAY. Maybe I'll have more to say then.


Lindsay Ward said...

You should pitch a cost saving idea to your company...stop the restructuring and moving! Sounds like they could save a lot by implementing those mneasures and then you would come out the hero for suggesting no more new bosses or loss of game playing friends. It's a win win.

Brenda Walker said...

all this photography talk makes me want to get out and practice. I have seen some awesome sunset pictures with the people as silhouettes too. Still looking forward to your review on the lens you rented

Anonymous said...

sounds to me like you are "hardly-working" instead of working hard. glad to see you made it to chorale practice and remembered what day it was...personally i have he feeling of 6 saturdays then Sunday comes so quickly; come to think of it when we get to heavens gates we will have 7 days of Sundays!!!
