Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cool? I Hope So

No new photos posted today. We stayed busy for a while last night moving a new (to us) refrigerator into the kitchen. It turns out that we could not get it through the door between the house and the garage, even after removing the fridge doors. So, we had to drag it over rocks to the back door. Once we plugged it in, the freezer seems to work well, but the fridge side seems to be cooling slowly. I hope it works. Also, when I removed the doors, there is a line for the ice maker that runs from somewhere in the door through the frame to the water intake. I think we may have broken that. We'll see.

We then went to eat and pick up the dog after grooming, so not much time for TV, either. Still, I thought of a TV-themed CoV.

My pool is definitely cooler now that the aerator works again. I have it on halfway so that it will not spray all the way over the pool into the yard, so it is not cooling as completely as possible. I may need to raise that a bit, since I went in last night and it was neither hot nor cold. Yes, you know what I did. I spewed it out of my mouth.

I also had no time last night to do any work on a photo book. I am way behind on that. Maybe I can get after it by Saturday, because I think Blurb has a sale ending Saturday night. However...

The GRANDS are coming over tomorrow night for swimming. Well, assuming the monsoons don't hit during our swim time. Whoo Hoo.

Just when I am hitting my creative stride, work intrudes. I gots to go. Thanks for sitting a spell.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Bible humor. ARR!