Friday, July 30, 2010

Not So Hot

It is looking like Saturday and Sunday may come in under 100F. Wow. That would be nice, even though the temps are accompanied by thunderstorms. That would probably put a damper of the GRANDS coming over tonight to swim. Still, cooler weather sounds fun.

Also fun is that our new (to us) fridge is nice and cool. So we will clean out the old one and replace it with the new (to us) one tomorrow afternoon. Whoo Hoo. The freezer section has not been keeping everything fully frozen, and I see condensation around the seals. No, a different kind of seals, silly.

Speaking of leaking, a centerpiece of downtown Tempe has been a lake created by damming the Salt River. One of the rubber bladders burst last week and there is no longer a lake. That implies the annual Tempe Triathlon cannot occur there...since there is no lake for swimming. So, what if the political battle around whose fault it is became the events of the sports event?

Alison will be moving in with a friend sometime during August. Good for her. She should be spending more time with friends her age than certain old fogies like parents. Now, if I can get her to take all her clothes to free up closet space....

Crazy busy at work this week. How about yours? I see I have completed 5 of the 12 items on this week's To Do list. Hopefully, I can get to 4 or 5 of those today.

One good thing. IT'S FRIDAY! That helps most everything. Even though it is Friday, though, I've still got a work day in front of me. So, heigh ho, heigh ho. See you next week.


The Grandparents said...

You can buy replacement seals . . . and maybe walruses, but I'm not sure of that.

Alison said...

Man, I know that my to do list was so long this week.
1. sleep in (check)
2. laundry (check)
3. feed dog (I knew I forgot to do something)

2 out of 3 isn't too bad