Thursday, October 01, 2015

October? Already?

Nine uses for Alka-Seltzer that you never thought of. have you even thought about Alka-Seltzer in the last twenty years?

Hey, how much do you spend in a year? Would you make the sacrifices it takes to live on only $14,000 per year? Just think how much you could save if you did that. Well, one family of four in Nevada is doing it right now. One of their budget numbers is $400 a month for groceries. I am sure my number is twice that, and we only have three in our house. And they only allow themselves one tank of gas per month. Someday, in retirement, I am sure I will have to worry about that. For now, I am trying to cut back some, but life still goes on. What about you? How are you doing on finances month to month?

At one time, my Salesman Son (SS) used TiVo for recording and watching TV programs and movies. Then, their box died or their low price deal ran out or something, and they moved to DISH or something. Anyway, TiVo has a new box that they hope will bring back customers. Yes, it is bent like that on purpose. No, you can't really stack anything on top of it. At a time when many are thinking of giving up on TV and watching everything online, is this something you would even care about? TiVo thinks so, because it searches and browses both Web services and what’s on TV, treating them identically. Well, read more about it and decide for yourself.

Are police departments right to stage fake activities in order to catch people breaking the law? Let me explain. Let's say there was a law of no cell phone use while driving. Did you say it like I asked you to? Anyway, you see a panhandler standing at a stoplight and grab your phone for a photo. As you pull away, you are stopped and ticketed for using your phone while driving. Is that fair? A lot of places think so. I wonder what my local laws say?

OK, now say you are at a stoplight and have a hankering for peanut butter and coffee. What can you do? If you are in the Boston area, you can got to the store and pick up Steem caffeinated peanut butter. If it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth, you can lick it off even quicker.

Do you shop Whole Foods very often? I do sometimes, and we lunch their sometimes. I had never thought about the source of their products before, but now, I see they are phasing out foods produced by prisoners. A Whole Foods spokesman said that the company had sourced prisoner-made products as a way to “help people get back on their feet and eventually become contributing members of society,” but that it chose to stop doing so because some customers were uncomfortable with it. Is that where the 'con' in 'consumer' comes from?

Three more women come forward with claims against Bill Cosby. That is really sad, both for them and for him. With so many women making these charges, something must have been going on. It's very disappointing.

Did you listen to the podcast Serial last year? It was hugely popular. In fact, now they are making a TV program about the making of the next Serial podcast. I suppose I should give it a listen sometime. SS loved it.

I did find a few articles to share today. Is the info drought over? Let's not have a knee-jerk reaction here. We can just be glad today was fruitful.

Well, after searching for news to share, I have eaten up all my time for blogging. So, I will drop today's CoV on you now and say 'Have a Thrilling Thursday'.

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