Thursday, October 29, 2015

CO and MA and UK and Yuck

I liked the mountain in the background with the golden tree up front. And of course, on the color wheel, blue and gold are complementary.

Here, we see MBH heading on down the road. Don't worry. We picked her up before we all headed on down the road.

And another foreground/background shot. This time, I placed a tree with a bit more orange in it (and a strong white tree trunk) in the back and the leaves of the front tree are where the focus is.

I read that diet soda is really bad for you. This article ranks 38 of them from bad to worst. #38 is Diet Mountain Dew, which contains brominated vegetable oil, a patented flame retardant for plastics that has been banned in foods throughout Europe and in Japan. The one MBH prefers is ranked #16. The best of them is Bai5 Bubbles. No, I've never heard of them, either.

While we are talking foods/drinks bad for you, let's jump over to hamburgers. I don't eat them (at least, not beef), and this Burger King Double Rodeo BBQ burger doesn't entice me back. First, let's look at what the ad promises.

Oh, wow. Is your mouth watering yet? For one man in the UK, it was too tempting, and he ordered one of these beauties. Oh, yeah. Let's see what he received.

Somewhat underwhelming, wouldn't you say? The article does not mention if he got his money back, but he did tweet that photo to BK.

Do you keep your bread in the refrigerator? Stop it. Go get it out right now. A HuffPo article says that will hasten staleness due to some complicated process involving how starches age. You can read more details in the article. Oh, and stop buying sliced bread.

An even better way to save money is to never have your Jeep towed out of a swamp near power lines in MA. One guy now owes $48,000 to the towing company. Neither he nor his insurance company want to pay that bill. I will admit that some of the charges seem specious (oo, I don't get to use that word very often).

Does anyone in your family ever post old photos on Facebook for Throwback Thursday. Some in my family do, and there have been times when I was one of the photos posted. Anyway, since it is Thursday, I thought about phrases with the word 'throw' in them.

Today's CoV has a co-worker-ish figure in it, and that makes me think of another co-worker who was recently diagnosed with three types of cancer. She had an operation on Tuesday for the brain cancer and here's what she told us."The radio surgery was a piece of cake... I was fully awake but felt nothing... Other than the tight mask on my face. The entire radiation team came out and all had smiles. They said it was perfect... Everything lined up and that's it's done. I go back in 6 weeks for follow-up MRI." So, that sounds pretty good. I mentioned before that a Christian friend and I see this as a way we can witness a bit without our friend taking offense. She has always been averse to too much religious talk, but she ended her update note with the following words,"Please give my thanks and regards to all.... I felt surrounded by positivity and prayers yesterday and want folks to know that I truly feel the energy and prayers are contributing to the continued good news that I'm getting." We'll see how it all works out. Still, keep her in your prayers.

My time is at an end for today. That means I need to wish you a Thankful Thursday and get going. So, have a Thankful Thursday. See you soon.

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