Monday, October 26, 2015

It's ABC Time (Aspen, Butterfingers, and Cartoons)

I know that last night, The Simpson aired their annual Treehouse of Horror episode for 2015. I haven't seen it, but I think I recorded it. Anyway, we will start off today with an article talking about some facts you may not know about these episodes. What got me started talking about The Simpsons, though, was another article about how they actually make the series. It is closer to the old 1960s cartoons than newer digital cartoons.

Did you watch the NBC series Hannibal? I did, although the last season was too weird. I am not too sorry to see it cancelled. The guy behind it, Bryan Fuller, also created Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies (which I watched and loved). So, I am excited that he is bringing back Amazing Stories, a Steven Spielberg series of family-friendly Twilight Zone-esque stories from the 1980s. I am excited about that.

Why, no. I was never really a chatterbox back in my school days. Why would you ask?

I know that some in my family have read those Killing (whomever) books by Bill O'Reilly. Have you read any of them? I have not yet, but they do sound interesting. You can guess, then, that seeing an online article called Killing Hitler sounds intriguing. It does not dwell on the science behind traveling back in time, but talks about what history might have been like if someone were to have killed Hitler before he came to full power. Go read it and see how you feel about the possibilities.

Halloween is coming, and with it, too much candy in the house. Let's look at a few facts about some of them. Butterfinger. Milky Way. Twizzlers. Pez. Milk Duds. Kit Kat. Candy CornKit Kat (different facts).

Last Dollar Road. Does that name conjure up and fantasies of Vegas or pennilessness? Well, it is really just an off-road trail up near Telluride. It is also well known as a place to catch a lot of colorful leaves. Don't believe it? Take a look at this shot just as we were getting on the road.

Not impressed? Well, if you actually look down the road, you can see a bit more of the aspen and the San Juan peaks behind.

There on the left, you can see a nice split rail fence. I decided to get closer to it so it would take a central part of the photo, leading the eye to the mountains.

Did y'all hear about a hurricane out in the Pacific Ocean last week that was, apparently, most the powerful ever? It did not hurt the Mexican towns of Puerto Vallarta or Guadalajara much, but it seems to have really landed on Texas. One town in Texas, Corsicana, ended up with 20" rain in 24 hours. Whew. That's crazy. After all, we only get like 7" in a year.

It's time, folks. You cannot put Monday off forever. Have a Marvelous one, OK?

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