Friday, October 30, 2015

2015 All Hallow's Eve (Mostly) Blog Post

It's almost Halloween. That means it is almost time for little ghouls and goblins, zombies and vampires, princesses and minions. I don't know what the GRANDS will be tomorrow night. I think I will be Lurch from The Addams Family at work tomorrow. Are you going to dress up as a princes or a cowboy or a nuclear scientist? Maybe you could go as a Siberian husky?

Or a skeleton?

You can find a bunch of Halloween makeup ideas in Pinterest.

Alice Cooper created a list of his Top 10 Halloween songs. Is it any wonder that three of his own songs are in the list?

Do you know what the favorite (or maybe preferred is a better word) Halloween costume is for your state? Well, someone did the research, so now we can all know just by clicking this link.

Let's move to something no less colorful, but a lot less creepy. I like this shot of a fence trying to enclose the pasture area in the foreground, and maybe the mountain range in the back. Isn't that just like mankind?

Now that we have been talking about my photographic eye and tendencies, I am sure you can easily write the intro to this shot. You can see the little stream, photographed such that the sun was making it look like a silver ribbon. And you know that I am using it to lead the viewer's eye into the scene.

Does a photo like this make you wish you were out walking along this road... the sun over your shoulder... kicking up leaves as you walk? I hope so, because that was my interpretation as I captured it. I tried to frame it so that you could see the trees and shade around the road, a hint of the sun behind the tree, the road leading you into the shot, the leaves laying around the edges of the road.

Speaking of Pinterest, one of my favorite photographers has a fun page with lots of cool, inspiring photos. Go look up Trey Ratcliff and just enjoy.

Did you read the whole blog today? Did you wish there was some way to skip the boring parts? Me, too.

BTW, I decided to dress up as Lurch today. It takes a minimum of prep time, I had most of the outfit (I did pick up a new black suit jacket. Sorry, Dad. I forgot to tell you I found one and by the time I remembered, it was too late to call) and needed some white and black greasepaint. I felt shamed by being one of the few in the group not planning to dress up. I imagine the number of people on the department who remember Lurch are few and far between... and old. The photo below is him, not me.

Listen, people. Have a great Halloween weekend. Do NOT eat the candy you purchased to give away. We will get back together next week, OK?

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